It was great to see so many customers and partners in person at this year’s event with over 600 people in attendance. During the event Ethernovia’s Ramin Shirani, Christopher Mash and Max Turner met with OEMs, Tier 1’s and partners from Europe, North America and Japan showcasing a range of technology and product demonstrations.

Ethernovia played a key role throughout the event with Max Turner, Ethernovia’s Automotive Network Architect and editor of the IEEE802.1DG TSN Profile for Automotive in vehicle Ethernet Communications task group providing a TSN training workshop. The special one day session before the main conference was well attended with participants from car manufacturers, automotive Tier 1’s and partners. Along with Technica Engineering, Max covered the range of TSN features, how they operate and typical implementation and use cases in vehicles.

During the main conference Max gave a presentation titled ‘Combining TSN and Half-Duplex high speed links in Zonal Controllers’ to a packed auditorium with standing room only!